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Hu, R. L., Jessica Granderson, David M. Auslander, and Alice M. Agogino."Design of machine learning models with domain experts for automated sensor selection for energy fault detection."Applied Energy
235 (2019) 117 - 128. DOI
Walker, Iain S., William W. Delp, and Brett C. Singer."Are low-cost sensors good enough for IAQ controls?."Federation of European Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Associations (REHVA) Journal
56.1 (2019).
Granderson, Jessica, Guanjing Lin, David Blum, Janie Page, Michael Spears, and Mary Ann Piette."Integrating diagnostics and model-based optimization."Energy and Buildings
182 (2019) 187 - 195. DOI
Touzani, Samir, Baptiste Ravache, Eliot Crowe, and Jessica Granderson."Statistical change detection of building energy consumption: Applications to savings estimation."Energy and Buildings
185 (2019) 123 - 136. DOI
Guyot, Gaelle, Max Sherman, and Iain S. Walker."A review of smart ventilation energy and IAQ performance in residential buildings."39th AIVC Conference
Less, Brennan, Spencer M. Dutton, Xiwang Li, Jordan D. Clark, Iain S. Walker, and Max H. Sherman."Smart Ventilation for Advance California Homes – Single Zone Technology Task."
Chan, Wanyu R., Yang-Seon Kim, Brennan Less, Brett C. Singer, and Iain S. Walker."Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality in New California Homes with Gas Appliances and Mechanical Ventilation."
Granderson, Jessica, Guanjing Lin, Rupam Singla, Samuel Fernandes, and Samir Touzani."BuildingIQ Technology Field Validation."
(2018). DOI
Regnier, Cynthia, Paul A. Mathew, Alastair Robinson, Peter Schwartz, Jordan Shackelford, and Travis Walter."Beyond Widgets: Validated Systems Energy Savings and Utility Custom Incentive Program Systems Trends."2018 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
(2018). DOI
Granderson, Jessica, Guanjing Lin, Rupam Singla, Ebony Mayhorn, Paul Ehrlich, and Draguna Vrabie."Commercial Fault Detection and Diagnostics Tools: What They Offer, How They Differ, and What’s Still Needed."2018 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Mathew, Paul A., Nancy Wallace, Paulo Issler, Baptiste Ravache, Philip Coleman, and Cindy Zhu."Do energy costs really affect commercial mortgage default risk? New results and implications for energy efficiency investments."2018 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
(2018). DOI
Granderson, Jessica, Guanjing Lin, Rupam Singla, Samuel Fernandes, and Samir Touzani."Field evaluation of performance of HVAC optimization system in commercial buildings."Energy and Buildings
173 (2018) 577 - 586. DOI
Piette, Mary Ann, Rebecca Zarin Pass, Reshma Singh, and Tianzhen Hong."Review of City Energy and Emissions Analysis Needs, Methods & Tools."2018 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
(2018). DOI
Hart, Nora, Tripp Shealy, Hannah Kramer, Jessica Granderson, and Georg Reichard."A Framework for Monitoring-Based Commissioning: Identifying Variables That Act as Barriers and Enablers to the Process."Energy and Buildings
168 (2018) 331 - 346. DOI
Singh, Reshma, Paul A. Mathew, Jessica Granderson, Yash Shukla, Amiya Ranjan Behera, and Michael Pitt."Packaged Scalable Energy Information Systems for Hotels."Journal of Facilities Management
16.2 (2018) 119 - 141. DOI
Singer, Brett C., and William W. Delp."Response of consumer and research grade indoor air quality monitors to residential sources of fine particles."Indoor Air
28.4 (2018) 624-639. DOI
Guyot, Gaelle, Max H. Sherman, and Iain S. Walker."Smart ventilation energy and indoor air quality performance in residential buildings: A review."Energy and Buildings
165 (2018) 416 - 430. DOI
Pass, Rebecca Zarin, Michael Wetter, and Mary Ann Piette."A thermodynamic analysis of a novel bidirectional district heating and cooling network."Energy
144 (2018) 20 - 30. DOI
Fernandes, Samuel, Jessica Granderson, Rupam Singla, and Samir Touzani."Corporate Delivery of a Global Smart Buildings Program."Energy Engineering
(2018). DOI
Kim, Yang-Seon, Iain S. Walker, and William W. Delp."Development of a standard capture efficiency test method for residential kitchen ventilation."Science and Technology for the Built Environment
24 (2018) 176–187. DOI
Touzani, Samir, Jessica Granderson, and Samuel Fernandes."Gradient boosting machine for modeling the energy consumption of commercial buildings."Energy and Buildings
(2018). DOI
Walker, Iain S., William W. Delp, and Brett C. Singer."Are low-cost sensors good enough for IAQ controls?."39th AIVC Conference
Singh, Reshma, Baptiste Ravache, and Dale A. Sartor."Building Innovation: A Guide For High-Performance Energy Efficient Buildings In India."
Mathew, Paul A., Cynthia Regnier, Travis Walter, and Jordan Shackelford."ComEd – LBNL ‘Beyond Widgets’ Project Automated Shading Integrated with Lighting and HVAC Controls System Program Manual."
Sherman, Max, Iain S. Walker, and Benjamin Jones."Economics of Indoor Air Quality."39th AIVC Conference