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Park, Won Young, Amol A. Phadke, and Nihar Shah."Efficiency improvement opportunities for televisions in India: Implications for market transformation programs."Energy Efficiency
(2014). DOI
Johnson, Alissa K., Amol A. Phadke, and Stephane de la Rue du Can."Energy Savings Potential for Street Lighting in India."
Lewis, Sarah M., Stephen Gross, Axel Visel, Maggi Kelly, and William R. Morrow III."Fuzzy GIS-based multi-criteria evaluation for U.S. Agave production as a bioenergy feedstock."Global Change Biology – Bioenergy
(2014). DOI
Saxena, Samveg, Nihar Shah, Iván Dario Bedoya, and Amol A. Phadke."Understanding Optimal Engine Operating Strategies for Gasoline-Fueled HCCI Engines using Crank-Angle Resolved Exergy Analysis."Applied Energy
114 (2014) 155-163. DOI
Vine, Edward L., Michael J. Sullivan, Loren Lutzenhiser, Carl Blumstein, and Bill Miller."Experimentation and the Evaluation of Energy Efficiency Programs."Energy Efficiency
(2014). DOI
Phadke, Amol A., Nikit Abhyankar, and Nihar Shah."Avoiding 100 New Power Plants by Increasing Efficiency of Room Air Conditioners in India: Opportunities and Challenges."
Letschert, Virginie E., Michael A. McNeil, Jing Ke, Puneeth Kalavase, and Mahesh Sampat."Energy Efficiency Potential for Distribution Transformers in the APEC Economies."
de la Rue du Can, Stephane, Virginie E. Letschert, Nihar Shah, Greg Leventis, Theo Covary, and Paul Waide."Energy Efficient Refrigerators Incentive Program Options for South Africa."
Saxena, Samveg, Anand R. Gopal, and Amol A. Phadke."Electrical consumption of two-, three- and four-wheel light-duty electric vehicles in India."Applied Energy
115 (2013) 582-590. DOI
Lowenthal-Savy, Danielle, Michael A. McNeil, and Lloyd Harrington."Evidence of Progress – Measurement of Impacts of Australia’s S&L Program from 1990-2010."7th International Conference on Energy Efficiency in Domestic Appliances and Lighting
Johnson, Alissa K., James D. Lutz, Michael A. McNeil, and Theo Covary."An international Survey of Electric Storage Tank Water Heater Efficiency and Standards."Southern African Energy Efficiency Convention 2013
Katzman, Alex, Michael A. McNeil, and Stephen Pantano."The benefits of creating a cross-country data framework for energy efficiency."7th International Conference on Energy Efficiency in Domestic Appliances and Lighting (EEDAL ’13)
Letschert, Virginie E., Louis-Benoit Desroches, Jing Ke, and Michael A. McNeil."Energy Efficiency - How Far Can We Raise the Bar? Revealing the Potential of Best Available Technologies."Energy
59 (2013) 72-82. DOI
Shah, Nihar, Paul Waide, and Amol A. Phadke."Cooling the Planet: Opportunities for Deployment of Superefficient Room Air Conditioners."
Park, Won Young, Amol A. Phadke, Nihar Shah, and Virginie E. Letschert."Efficiency Improvement Opportunities in TVs: Implications for Market Transformation Programs."Energy Policy
59 (2013) 361-372. DOI
de la Rue du Can, Stephane, Virginie E. Letschert, Greg Leventis, Theo Covary, and Xiaohua Xia."Energy Efficiency Country Study: Republic of South Africa."
de la Rue du Can, Stephane, Amol A. Phadke, Greg Leventis, and Anand R. Gopal."A Global Review of Incentive Programs to Accelerate Energy-Efficient Appliances and Equipment."
Sathaye, Nakul, Amol A. Phadke, Nihar Shah, and Virginie E. Letschert."Potential Global Benefits of Improved Ceiling Fan Energy Efficiency."
Vine, Edward L.."Transforming the energy efficiency market in California: Key findings, lessons learned and future directions from California's market effects studies."Energy Policy
59 (2013). DOI
Ke, Jing, Lynn K. Price, Michael A. McNeil, Nina Khanna, and Nan Zhou."Analysis and Practices of Energy Benchmarking for Industry from the Perspective of Systems Engineering."Energy
54 (2013) 32-44. DOI
Morrow III, William R., John Marano, Jayant A. Sathaye, Ali Hasanbeigi, and Tengfang T. Xu."Assessment of Energy Efficiency Improvement in the United States Petroleum Refining Industry."
Letschert, Virginie E., Stephane de la Rue du Can, Michael A. McNeil, Puneeth Kalavase, Allison Hua Fan, and Gabrielle Dreyfus."Energy Efficiency Appliance Standards: Where do we stand, how far can we go and how do we get there? An analysis across several economies."
Ke, Jing, Michael A. McNeil, Lynn K. Price, Nina Khanna, and Nan Zhou."Estimation of CO2 Emissions from China’s Cement Production: Methodologies and Uncertainties."Energy Policy
57 (2013) 172-181.
Schewel, Laura, Anand R. Gopal, and Amol A. Phadke."Mobility Towers: Improving transportation efficiency measures by persistent evaluation of city-wide travel behavior."ECEEE 2013 Summer Study