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Wu, Mingyan, Xiangyun Song, Xiaosong Liu, Vincent S. Battaglia, Wanli Yang, and Gao Liu."Manipulating the polarity of conductive polymer binders for Si-based anodes in lithium-ion batteries."Journal of Materials Chemistry A
3.7 (2015) 3651 - 3658. DOI
Vogl, Ulrike S., Simon F. Lux, Ethan J. Crumlin, Zhi Liu, Lydia Terborg, Martin Winter, and Robert Kostecki."The Mechanism of SEI Formation on a Single Crystal Si(100) Electrode."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
162.4 (2015) A603-A607. DOI
Dai, Kehua, Jing Mao, Xiangyun Song, Vincent S. Battaglia, and Gao Liu."Na0.44MnO2 with very fast sodium diffusion and stable cycling synthesized via polyvinylpyrrolidone-combustion method."Journal of Power Sources
285 (2015) 161 - 168. DOI
Aetukuri, , Nagaphani B., Bryan D. McCloskey, , Jeannette M. García, , Leslie E. Krupp, , Venkatasubramanian Viswanathan, and , Alan C. Luntz."Solvating additives drive solution-mediated electrochemistry and enhance toroid growth in non-aqueous Li–O2 batteries."Nature Chemistry
7 (2015) 50-56. DOI
Niu, , Kai-Yang, Feng Lin, , Liang Fang, Dennis Nordlund, , Runzhe Tao, Tsu-Chien Weng, Marca M. Doeff, and Haimei Zheng."Structural and Chemical Evolution of Amorphous Nickel Iron Complex Hydroxide upon Lithiation/Delithiation."Chemistry of Materials
27 (2015) 1583-1589. DOI
Kuppan, Saravanan, Angelique Jarry, Robert Kostecki, and Guoying Chen."A study of room-temperature LixMn1.5Ni0.5O4 solid solutions."Scientific Reports
5.1 (2015). DOI
Dai, Kehua, Zhihui Wang, Guo Ai, Hui Zhao, Wen Yuan, Xiangyun Song, Vincent S. Battaglia, Chengdong Sun, Kai Wu, and Gao Liu."The transformation of graphite electrode materials in lithium-ion batteries after cycling."Journal of Power Sources
298 (2015) 349 - 354. DOI
Cho, Kyu-Taek, Michael C. Tucker, , Markus Ding, Paul L. Ridgway, Vincent S. Battaglia, Venkat Srinivasan, and Adam Z. Weber."Cyclic Performance Analysis of Hydrogen/Bromine Flow Batteries for Grid-Scale Energy Storage."ChemPlusChem
80.2 (2014) 402 - 411. DOI
Lin, Feng, Dennis Nordlund, , Taijun Pan, , Isaac M. Markus, Tsu-Chien Weng, Huolin L. Xin, and Marca M. Doeff."Influence of synthesis conditions on the surface passivation and electrochemical behavior of layered cathode materials."Journal of Materials Chemistry A
2 (2014) 19833-19840. DOI
Luntz, , Alan C., and Bryan D. McCloskey."Nonaqueous Li–air batteries: a status report."Chemical Reviews
114 (2014) 11721-11750. DOI
Markus, , Isaac M., Feng Lin, Kinson C. Kam, Mark D. Asta, and Marca M. Doeff."Computational and Experimental Investigation of Ti Substitution in Li1(NixMnxCo1-x-yTiy)O2 for Lithium-Ion Batteries."The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
5 (2014) 3649-3655. DOI
Zhao, Hui, Zhihui Wang, , Peng Lu, , Meng Jiang, Feifei Shi, Xiangyun Song, , Ziyang Zheng, , Xin Zhou, Yanbao Fu, Guerfi Abdelbast, Xingcheng Xiao, Zhi Liu, Vincent S. Battaglia, Karim Zaghib, and Gao Liu."Toward practical application of functional conductive polymer binder for a high-energy lithium-ion battery design."Nano Letters
14 (2014) 6704–6710. DOI
Young, , Nicholas P., Didier H. Devaux, , Rachna Khurana, , Geoffrey W. Coates, and Nitash P. Balsara."Investigating polypropylene-poly (ethylene oxide)-polypropylene triblock copolymers as solid polymer electrolytes for lithium batteries."Solid State Ionics
263 (2014) 87-94. DOI
Zhao, Hui, , Xin Zhou, Sang-Jae Park, Feifei Shi, Yanbao Fu, Min Ling, Neslihan Yuca, Vincent S. Battaglia, and Gao Liu."A polymerized vinylene carbonate anode binder enhances performance of lithium-ion batteries."Journal of Power Sources
263 (2014) 288-295. DOI
Yuca, Neslihan, Hui Zhao, Xiangyun Song, , Murat F. Dogdu, Wen Yuan, Yanbao Fu, Vincent S. Battaglia, Xingcheng Xiao, and Gao Liu."A Systematic Investigation of Polymer Binder Flexibility on the Electrode Performance of Lithium-Ion Batteries."ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
6 (2014) 17111-17118. DOI
Dai, Kehua, Hui Zhao, Zhihui Wang, Xiangyun Song, Vincent S. Battaglia, and Gao Liu."Toward high specific capacity and high cycling stability of pure tin nanoparticles with conductive polymer binder for sodium ion batteries."Journal of Power Sources
263 (2014) 276-279. DOI
Lux, Simon F., Elad Pollak, , Ulrike Boesenberg, Thomas J. Richardson, and Robert Kostecki."Electrochemical reactivity of pyrolytic carbon film electrodes in organic carbonate electrolytes."Electrochemistry Communications
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Lin, Feng, Dennis Nordlund, , Isaac M. Markus, Tsu-Chien Weng, Huolin L. Xin, and Marca M. Doeff."Profiling the nanoscale gradient in stoichiometric layered cathode particles for lithium-ion batteries."Energy & Environmental Science
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Duncan, Hugues, , Bin Hai, , Michal Leskes, Clare P. Grey, and Guoying Chen."Relationships between Mn3+ Content, Structural Ordering, Phase Transformation and Kinetic Properties in LiNixMn2-xO4 Cathode Materials."Chemistry of Materials
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Wu, Shao-Ling, Anna E. Javier, Didier H. Devaux, Nitash P. Balsara, and Venkat Srinivasan."Discharge Characteristics of Lithium Battery Electrodes with a Semiconducting Polymer Studied by Continuum Modeling and Experiment."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
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Vogl, Ulrike S., Prodip K. Das, Adam Z. Weber, Martin Winter, Robert Kostecki, and Simon F. Lux."The mechanism of interactions between CMC binder and Si single crystal facets."Langmuir
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Saxena, Samveg, Amol A. Phadke, Anand R. Gopal, and Venkat Srinivasan."Understanding fuel savings mechanisms from hybrid vehicles to guide optimal battery sizing for India."International Journal of Powertrains
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Feng, Xuefei, Min-Kyu Song, Wayne C. Stolte, David Gardenghi, Duo Zhang, Xuhui Sun, Junfa Zhu, Elton J. Cairns, and Jinghua Guo."Understanding the degradation mechanism of rechargeable lithium/sulfur cells: a comprehensive study of the sulfur–graphene oxide cathode after discharge–charge cycling."Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
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Lin, Feng, , Isaac M. Markus, Marca M. Doeff, and Huolin L. Xin."Chemical and Structural Stability of Lithium-Ion Battery Electrode Materials under Electron Beam."Scientific Reports
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Mehrotra, , Amal, Philip N. Ross, and Venkat Srinivasan."Quantifying Polarization Losses in an Organic Liquid Electrolyte/Single Ion Conductor Interface."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
161.10 (2014) A1681-A1690. DOI