Publications: Technical Assistance - Efficiency, Electrification, and Flexibility
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Murphy, Sean, Margaret Pigman, and Natalie Mims Frick."Managing changes in peak demand from building and transportation electrification with energy efficiency."
Keen, Jeremy, Erik Pohl, Natalie Mims Frick, Juan Pablo Carvallo, and Lisa C. Schwartz."Duke Energy’s Integrated System and Operations Planning: A comparative analysis of integrated planning practices."
Eckman, Tom, Lisa C. Schwartz, and Natalie Mims Frick."Economic Valuation of Energy Resources: Technical Assistance Opportunity for States on Enhanced Methods to Assess Utility System Value of Demand Flexibility."
Carvallo, Juan Pablo, Myles T. Collins, Stephanie Bieler, Joscha Mueller, Christoph Gehbauer, and Peter H. Larsen."Indiana 21st Century Energy Policy: Emerging Technologies on the Electricity Distribution System."
Earni, Shankar, Philip Coleman, Elizabeth Stuart, and Peter H. Larsen."eProject Builder: Promoting wider adoption of energy savings performance contracts through standardization and transparency."energise 2020 ENERGY INNOVATION FOR A SUSTAINABLE ECONOMY
(2020) 300-308.
Frick, Natalie Mims, Tom Eckman, and Lisa C. Schwartz."Time-Varying Value of Energy Efficiency in Michigan."
Stuart, Elizabeth, Juan Pablo Carvallo, Peter H. Larsen, Charles A. Goldman, and Donald Gilligan."Understanding recent market trends of the US ESCO industry."Energy Efficiency
11 (2018) 1303–1324. DOI
Todd, Annika, Michael Perry, Brian Smith, Michael J. Sullivan, Peter Cappers, and Charles A. Goldman."Insights from Smart Meters: The Potential for Peak-Hour Savings from Behavior-Based Programs."
Zimring, Mark, Matthew Brown, and Dave Carey."Using Financing to Scale Up Energy Efficiency: Work Plan Recommendations for the SEE Action Financing Solutions Working Group."
Schiller, Steven R.."Utility Customer-Funded Energy Efficiency 101: Presentation for South Dakota Public Utilities Commission."
Satchwell, Andrew, Charles A. Goldman, Hossein Haeri, and Mark Lesiw."An Assessment of Analytical Capabilities, Services and Tools for Demand Response."
Delurey, Dan, and , Judith Schwartz."Demand Response Program Design and Implementation Case Study Interviews."
Dworkin, Michael, Katie Johnson, Donald Kreis, Carey Rosser, Jonathan Voegele, Steve Weissman, Megan A. Billingsley, and Charles A. Goldman."A Regulator's Privacy Guide to Third Party Data Access for Energy Efficiency."
Zimring, Mark, Brandon Belford, John Cross, Tom Blair, Adam Agalloco, and Molly Lunn."Making it Easier to Complete Clean Energy Projects with QECBs."
Zimring, Mark, and Merrian Borgeson."Qualified Energy Conservation Bond (QECB) Update: New Guidance from the U.S. Department of Treasury and Internal Revenue Service."
Zimring, Mark, Merrian Borgeson, Ian M. Hoffman, Charles A. Goldman, Elizabeth Stuart, Annika Todd, and Megan A. Billingsley."Extending Efficiency Services to Underserved Households: NYSERDA's Assisted Home Performance with ENERGY STAR Program."
Billingsley, Megan A., and Elizabeth Stuart."Contractor Sales Training: Providing the Skills Necessary to Sell Comprehensive Home Energy Upgrades."Clean Energy Program Policy Brief
(2011) 5.
Larsen, Peter H.."Energy Service Company (ESCO) Project Performance Benchmarking Fact Sheets."
Goldman, Charles A., Elizabeth Stuart, Ian M. Hoffman, Merrian C. Fuller, Megan A. Billingsley, and Merrian Borgeson."Interactions between Energy Efficiency Programs funded under the Recovery Act and Utility Customer-Funded Energy Efficiency Programs."
(2011) 73.
Bharvirkar, Ranjit, Grayson C. Heffner, and Charles A. Goldman."Retail Demand Response in Southwest Power Pool."
(2009) 33.
Bharvirkar, Ranjit, Charles A. Goldman, Grayson C. Heffner, and Richard Sedano."Coordination of Retail Demand Response with Midwest ISO Wholesale Markets."
(2008) 39.