Publications: National Reliability Trends
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Larsen, Peter H., Megan Lawson, Kristina Hamachi LaCommare, and Joseph H Eto."Severe weather, utility spending, and the long-term reliability of the U.S. power system."Energy
198 (2020). DOI
Larsen, Peter H., Kristina Hamachi LaCommare, Joseph H Eto, and James L. Sweeney."Recent trends in power system reliability and implications for evaluating future investments in resiliency."Energy
117 (2016) 29 - 46. DOI
Larsen, Peter H., Kristina Hamachi LaCommare, Joseph H Eto, and James L. Sweeney."Assessing Changes in the Reliability of the U.S. Electric Power System."
Larsen, Peter H., James L. Sweeney, Joseph H Eto, and Kristina Hamachi LaCommare."Exploring the Reliability of U.S. Electric Utilities."37th IAEE International Conference
Eto, Joseph H, Kristina Hamachi LaCommare, Peter H. Larsen, Annika Todd, and Emily Fisher."An Examination of Temporal Trends in Electricity Reliability Based on Reports from U.S. Electric Utilities."