Publications: FINDER Model
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Satchwell, Andrew, Juan Pablo Carvallo, Peter Cappers, James Milford, and Hadi Eshraghi."Quantifying the Financial Impacts of Electric Vehicles on Utility Ratepayers and Shareholders."
Cappers, Peter, Sydney Forrester, and Andrew Satchwell."Disaggregating Future Retail Electricity Rate Growth."
Barbose, Galen L., and Andrew Satchwell."Benefits and costs of a utility-ownership business model for residential rooftop solar photovoltaics."Nature Energy
(2020). DOI
Satchwell, Andrew, Peter Cappers, Javier Reneses, Will Gorman, and Greg Leventis."Financial Impacts of Net-Metered DPV on a Prototypical Western Utility’s Shareholders and Ratepayers."
Satchwell, Andrew, Peter Cappers, and Charles A. Goldman."Customer bill impacts of energy efficiency and net-metered photovoltaic system investments."Utilities Policy
50 (2018) 144-152. DOI
Satchwell, Andrew, Peter Cappers, and Charles A. Goldman."Financial Impacts of a Combined Energy Efficiency and Net-Metered PV Portfolio on a Prototypical Northeast Utility."
Satchwell, Andrew, Andrew D. Mills, Galen L. Barbose, Ryan H. Wiser, Peter Cappers, and Naïm R. Darghouth."Financial Impacts of Net-Metered PV on Utilities and Ratepayers: A Scoping Study of Two Prototypical U.S. Utilities."
Satchwell, Andrew, Peter Cappers, and Charles A. Goldman."Carrots and sticks: A comprehensive business model for the successful achievement of energy efficiency resource standards."Utilities Policy
19.4 (2011) 218-225. DOI
Satchwell, Andrew, Peter Cappers, and Charles A. Goldman."Carrots and Sticks: A Comprehensive Business Model for the Successful Achievement of Energy Efficiency Resource Standards."ECEEE Summer Study, Giens, France, June 6-11, 2011
(2011) 24.
Cappers, Peter, Andrew Satchwell, Charles A. Goldman, and Jeff Schlegel."Benefits and Costs of Aggressive Energy Efficiency Programs and the Impacts of Alternative Sources of Funding: Case Study of Massachusetts."ACEEE Summer Study, Pacific Grove, CA, Aug. 15-20, 2010
(2010) 22.
Cappers, Peter, and Charles A. Goldman."Empirical Assessment of Shareholder Incentive Mechanisms Designs under Aggressive Savings Goals: Case Study of a Kansas “Super-Utility”."
(2009) 15.
Cappers, Peter, Charles A. Goldman, Michele Chait, George Edgar, Jeff Schlegel, and Wayne Shirley."Financial Analysis of Incentive Mechanisms to Promote Energy Efficiency: Case Study of a Prototypical Southwest Utility."
(2009) 83.
Cappers, Peter, Charles A. Goldman, Michele Chait, George Edgar, Jeff Schlegel, and Wayne Shirley."Quantitative Financial Analysis of Alternative Energy Efficiency Shareholder Incentive Mechanisms."ACEEE 2008 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
(2008) 15.