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Ward, Gregory J., David Geisler-Moroder, Eleanor S. Lee, Jacob C. Jonsson, and Taoning Wang."Daylight Simulation Workflows Incorporating Measured Bidirectional Scattering Distribution Functions."Energy and Building
259 (2022).
Geisler-Moroder, David, Gregory J. Ward, Taoning Wang, and Eleanor S. Lee."Peak extraction in daylight simulations using BSDF data."IBPSA Building Simulation 2021
Wang, Taoning, Gregory J. Ward, and Eleanor S. Lee."A Python Library for Radiance Matrix-based Simulation Control and EnergyPlus Integration."IBPSA Building Simulation 2021
Thomson, Gregory D., Robert G. Davis, Luis L. Fernandes, and Taoning Wang."Achieving Integrated Daylighting and Electric Lighting Systems: Current State of the Art and Needed Research."Energies
14.13 (2021) 3833. DOI
Gehbauer, Christoph, David Blum, Taoning Wang, and Eleanor S. Lee."Integrated Dynamic Facade Control with an Agent-based Architecture for Commercial Buildings."
Wu, Yujie, Taoning Wang, Eleanor S. Lee, Jérôme H. Kämpf, and Jean-Louis Scartezzini."Split-pane electrochromic window control based on an embedded photometric device with real-time daylighting computing."Building and Environment
161 (2019) 106229. DOI
Wang, Taoning, Gregory J. Ward, and Eleanor S. Lee."Efficient modeling of optically-complex, non-coplanar exterior shading: Validation of matrix algebraic methods."Energy and Buildings
174 (2018) 464 - 483. DOI
Lee, Eleanor S., Christoph Gehbauer, Anothai Thanachareonkit, Luis L. Fernandes, and Taoning Wang."Dual-Zone Solar Control Indoor Shade: Demonstration at the Ronald V. Dellums Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse, 1301 Clay Street, Oakland, California and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Advanced Windows Testbed, Berkeley, California."
Konis, Kyle S., and Eleanor S. Lee."Measured daylighting potential of a static optical louver system under real sun and sky conditions."Building and Environment
92 (2015) 347-359. DOI
Fernandes, Luis L., Eleanor S. Lee, Dennis L. DiBartolomeo, and Andrew McNeil."Monitored lighting energy savings from dimmable lighting controls in The New York Times Headquarters Building."Energy and Buildings
68.A (2014) 498-514. DOI
McNeil, Andrew, Jacob C. Jonsson, , David Appelfeld, Gregory J. Ward, and Eleanor S. Lee."A validation of a ray-tracing tool used to generate bi-directional scattering distribution functions for complex fenestration systems."Solar Energy
98.C (2013) 404-414. DOI
Shehabi, Arman, Nicholas DeForest, Andrew McNeil, Eric R. Masanet, Jeffery B. Greenblatt, Eleanor S. Lee, Georgeta Masson, Brett A. Helms, and Delia J. Milliron."U.S. energy savings potential from dynamic daylighting control glazings."Energy and Buildings
66 (2013) 415-423. DOI
Thanachareonkit, Anothai, Eleanor S. Lee, and Andrew McNeil."Empirical Assessment of a Prismatic Daylight-Redirecting Window Film in a Full-Scale Office Testbed."LEUKOS: The Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America
10.1 (2013) 19-45. DOI
McNeil, Andrew, and Eleanor S. Lee."Simulated daylight performance of a new prototype prismatic window film in deep open plan offices."
Zuo, Wangda, Andrew McNeil, Michael Wetter, and Eleanor S. Lee."Acceleration of the matrix multiplication of Radiance three phase daylighting simulations with parallel computing on heterogeneous hardware of personal computer."Journal of Building Performance Simulation
(2013). DOI
McNeil, Andrew, and Eleanor S. Lee."Annual daylighting performance of a passive optical light shelf in sidelit perimeter zones of commercial buildings."
Ward, Gregory J., Murat Kurt, and Nicolas Bonneel."A Practical Framework for Sharing and Rendering Real-World Bidirectional Scattering Distribution Functions."
McNeil, Andrew, and Eleanor S. Lee."On the benefits of a variable-resolution bidirectional scattering distribution data format."
(2012) 5.
Clear, Robert D.."Discomfort Glare: What Do We Actually Know?."Lighting Research and Technology
April 2012 (2012). DOI
McNeil, Andrew, and Eleanor S. Lee."A validation of the Radiance three-phase simulation method for modeling annual daylight performance of optically-complex fenestration systems."Journal of Building Performance Simulation
April 2012 (2012). DOI
Zuo, Wangda, Andrew McNeil, Michael Wetter, and Eleanor S. Lee."Acceleration of Radiance for Lighting Simulation by using Parallel Computing with OpenCL."12th International Conference of the International Building Performance Simulation Association (Building Simulation 2011)
(2011) p. 110-117.
Ward, Gregory J., Richard G. Mistrick, Eleanor S. Lee, Andrew McNeil, and Jacob C. Jonsson."Simulating the Daylight Performance of Complex Fenestration Systems Using Bidirectional Scattering Distribution Functions within Radiance."Leukos, The Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society
7.4 (2011). DOI
Park, Byoung-Chul, An-Seop Choi, Jae-Weon Jeong, and Eleanor S. Lee."Performance of Integrated Systems of Automated Roller Shade Systems and Daylight Responsive Dimming Systems."Building and Environment
46.3 (2011) 747-757. DOI