Publications: BTUS Urban Science
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Levinson, Ronnen M., Edward A. Arens, Emmanuel Bozonnet, Vincenzo Corrado, Haley E. Gilbert, Peter Holzer, Pierre Jaboyedoff, Amanda Krelling, Anaïs Machard, Wendy Miller, Mamak P.Tootkaboni, Stephen E. Selkowitz, and Hui Zhang."Policy Recommendations from IEA EBC Annex 80: Resilient Cooling of Buildings."
(2023). DOI
Levinson, Ronnen M., Mansour Alhazmi, Jackson Becce, Andre Desjarlais, Haley E. Gilbert, Greg Kats, Jacob Miller, Emily Morin, David J. Sailor, and Sarah Schneider."United States Cool Surfaces Deployment Plan."
(2023). DOI
Gautier, Antoine, Michael Wetter, and Matthias Sulzer."Resilient cooling through geothermal district energy system."Applied Energy
325 (2022) 119880. DOI
Sun, Kaiyu, Wanni Zhang, Zhaoyun Zeng, Ronnen M. Levinson, Max Wei, and Tianzhen Hong."Passive cooling designs to improve heat resilience of homes in underserved and vulnerable communities."Energy and Buildings
252 (2021) 111383. DOI
Perera, A.T.D., Kavan Javanroodi, Y. Wang, and Tianzhen Hong."Urban cells: Extending the energy hub concept to facilitate sector and spatial coupling."Advances in Applied Energy
3 (2021) 100046. DOI
Singh, Reshma, Monto Mani, and Swapnil Joshi."Transforming India's Built Environment: A 2050 Vision for Wellness and Resilience."
Luo, Xuan, Pouya Vahmani, Tianzhen Hong, and Andrew Jones."City-Scale Building Anthropogenic Heating during Heat Waves."Atmosphere
11.11 (2020) 1206. DOI
Salim, Flora D., Bing Dong, Mohamed Ouf, Qi Wang, Ilaria Pigliautile, Xuyuan Kang, Tianzhen Hong, Wenbo Wu, Yapan Liu, Shakila Khan Rumi, Mohammad Saiedur Rahaman, Jingjing An, Hengfang Deng, Wei Shao, Jakub Dziedzic, Fisayo Caleb Sangogboye, Mikkel Baun Kjærgaard, Meng Kong, Claudia Fabiani, Anna Laura Pisello, and Da Yan."Modelling urban-scale occupant behaviour, mobility, and energy in buildings: A survey."Building and Environment
183 (2020) 106964. DOI
Luo, , Xuan, Tianzhen Hong, and Yu-Hang Tang."Modeling Thermal Interactions between Buildings in an Urban Context."Energies
13.9 (2020) 2382. DOI
Piette, Mary Ann, Reshma Singh, and Anand Prakash."Evaluation of the Need for and Design of a City Energy Operations System."Proceedings of the 1st ACM International Workshop on Urban Building Energy Sensing, Controls, Big Data Analysis, and Visualization - UrbSys'19
(2019). DOI
Langevin, Jared, Chioke B. Harris, and Janet L. Reyna."Assessing the Potential to Reduce U.S. Building CO2 Emissions 80% by 2050."Joule
(2019). DOI
Singh, Reshma, Baptiste Ravache, and Mary Ann Piette."Energy Modeling in Urban Districts: Forecast of multi-sector Energy Use and GHG Emissions."
Xu, Xiaodong, Wei Wang, Tianzhen Hong, and Jiayu Chen."Incorporating machine learning with building network analysis to predict multi-building energy use."Energy and Buildings
186 (2019) 80 - 97. DOI
Barr, Zach, Norman Bourassa, John Bowie, Richard E. Brown, Nora DeCuir, H. Jordan Diamond, Amy Dryden, Ethan Elkind, Harrison Fraker, Wenjie Fu, Ethan Guy, Daniel Hamilton, Ted Lamm, Maika Nicholson, Leo Rainer, Sandy Robertson, Christine Scott Thomson, Emma Tome, and Andréa Traber."Accelerating the Deployment of Advanced Energy Communities: The Oakland EcoBlock A Zero Net Energy, Low Water Use Retrofit Neighborhood Demonstration Project."
Wang, Wei, Tianzhen Hong, Xiaodong Xu, Jiayu Chen, Ziang Liu, and Ning Xu."Forecasting district-scale energy dynamics through integrating building network and long short-term memory learning algorithm."Applied Energy
248 (2019) 217 - 230. DOI
Levinson, Ronnen M., George A. Ban-Weiss, Paul Berdahl, Sharon S. Chen, Hugo Destaillats, Nathalie Dumas, Haley E. Gilbert, Howdy Goudey, Sébastien Houzé de l’Aulnoit, Jan Kleissl, Benjamin Kurtz, Yun Li, Yan Long, Arash Mohegh, Negin Nazarian, Matteo Pizzicotti, Pablo J. Rosado, Marion L. Russell, Jonathan L. Slack, Xiaochen Tang, Jiachen Zhang, and Weilong Zhang."Solar-Reflective “Cool” Walls: Benefits, Technologies, and Implementation."
(2019). DOI
Xu, Xiaodong, Yifan Wu, Wei Wang, Tianzhen Hong, and Ning Xu."Performance-driven optimization of urban open space configuration in the cold-winter and hot-summer region of China."Building Simulation
12.3 (2019) 411 - 424. DOI
Chen, Yixing, Tianzhen Hong, Xuan Luo, and Barry Hooper."Development of city buildings dataset for urban building energy modeling."Energy and Buildings
183 (2019) 252 - 265. DOI
Jain, Rajeev, Xuan Luo, Gökhan Sever, Tianzhen Hong, and Charlie Catlett."Representation and evolution of urban weather boundary conditions in downtown Chicago."Journal of Building Performance Simulation
(2018) 1 - 14. DOI
An, Jingjing, Da Yan, and Tianzhen Hong."Clustering and statistical analyses of air-conditioning intensity and use patterns in residential buildings."Energy and Buildings
174 (2018) 214 - 227. DOI
Tarroja, Brian, Felicia Chiang, Amir AghaKouchak, Scott Samuelsen, Shuba V. Raghavan, Max Wei, Kaiyu Sun, and Tianzhen Hong."Translating climate change and heating system electrification impacts on building energy use to future greenhouse gas emissions and electric grid capacity requirements in California."Applied Energy
225 (2018) 522 - 534. DOI
Hooper, Barry, Tianzhen Hong, Danie Macumber, Sang Hoon Lee, Yixing Chen, Nicholas Long, Edwin Lee, Imma Regina Dela Cruz, Mary Ann Piette, and Jennifer Berg."The BayREN Integrated Commercial Retrofits (BRICR) Project: An Introduction and Preliminary Results."2018 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
(2018). DOI
Hong, Tianzhen, Yixing Chen, Mary Ann Piette, and Xuan Luo."Modeling City Building Stock for Large Scale Energy Efficiency Improvements Using CityBES."2018 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
(2018). DOI
Piette, Mary Ann, Rebecca Zarin Pass, Reshma Singh, and Tianzhen Hong."Review of City Energy and Emissions Analysis Needs, Methods & Tools."2018 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
(2018). DOI