X Author: Visco, Steven J.
Tucker, Michael C., , Grace Y. Lau, , Craig P. Jacobson, , Steven J. Visco, and , Lutgard C. De Jonghe."Cu–YSZ cermet solid oxide fuel cell anode prepared by high-temperature sintering."Journal of Power Sources
195.10 (2010) 3119 - 3123. DOI
Tucker, Michael C., , Grace Y. Lau, , Craig P. Jacobson, , Lutgard C. DeJonghe, and , Steven J. Visco."Stability and robustness of metal-supported SOFCs."Journal of Power Sources
175.1 (2008) 447 - 451. DOI
Tucker, Michael C., , Grace Y. Lau, , Craig P. Jacobson, , Lutgard C. DeJonghe, and , Steven J. Visco."Performance of metal-supported SOFCs with infiltrated electrodes."Journal of Power Sources
171.2 (2007) 477 - 482. DOI
Tucker, Michael C., , Hideto Kurokawa, , Craig P. Jacobson, , Lutgard C. De Jonghe, and , Steven J. Visco."A fundamental study of chromium deposition on solid oxide fuel cell cathode materials."Journal of Power Sources
160.1 (2006) 130 - 138. DOI