X Author: Thomas D. Schladt
Petousis, Ioannis, , David Mrdjenovich, Eric Ballouz, Miao Liu, Donald Winston, Wei Chen, Tanja Graf, Thomas D. Schladt, Kristin A. Persson, and Fritz B. Prinz."High-throughput screening of inorganic compounds for the discovery of novel dielectric and optical materials."Scientific Data
4.1 (2017). DOI
Petousis, Ioannis, Wei Chen, Geoffroy Hautier, Tanja Graf, Thomas D. Schladt, Kristin A. Persson, and Fritz B. Prinz."Benchmarking density functional perturbation theory to enable high-throughput screening of materials for dielectric constant and refractive index."Physical Review B
93.11 (2016). DOI