X Author: Ralph Greif
Ho, Tony, Samuel S. Mao, and Ralph Greif."Improving efficiency of high-concentrator photovoltaics by cooling with two-phase forced convection."International Journal of Energy Research
34.14 (2010) 1257-1271. DOI
Wen, Sy-Bor, Ralph Greif, and Richard E. Russo."Background gas effect on the generation of nanopatterns on a pure silicon wafer with multiple femtosecond near field laser ablation."Applied Physics Letters
91.25 (2007). DOI
Wen, Sy-Bor, Xianglei Mao, Ralph Greif, and Richard E. Russo."Experimental and theoretical studies of particle generation after laser ablation of copper with a background gas at atmospheric pressure."Journal of Applied Physics
101.12 (2007) 123105-123115. DOI
Wen, Sy-Bor, Xianglei Mao, Ralph Greif, and Richard E. Russo."Expansion of the laser ablation vapor plume in to a background gas: Part I: Analysis."Journal of Applied Physics
101.2 (2007). DOI
Wen, Sy-Bor, Xianglei Mao, Ralph Greif, and Richard E. Russo."Laser ablation induced vapor plume expansion into a background gas. II. Experimental analysis."Journal of Applied Physics
101.2 (2007). DOI
Liu, Chunyi, Xianglei Mao, Ralph Greif, and Richard E. Russo."Time resolved shadowgraph images of silicon during laser ablation: Shockwaves and Particle generation."Journal of Physics: Conference Series
59.1 (2007) 338-342. DOI
Wen, Sy-Bor, Xianglei Mao, Ralph Greif, and Richard E. Russo."Analysis of laser ablation: contribution of ionization energy to the plasma and shockwave properties."Journal of Applied Physics
102.4 (2006). DOI
Wen, Sy-Bor, Xianglei Mao, Ralph Greif, and Richard E. Russo."Radiative cooling of laser ablated vapor plumes: experimental and theoretical analyses."Journal of Applied Physics
100.5 (2006). DOI
Wen, Sy-Bor, Xianglei Mao, Ralph Greif, and Richard E. Russo."Theoretical analysis for LIBS optimization."Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy
Liu, Chunyi, Xianglei Mao, Samuel S. Mao, Ralph Greif, and Richard E. Russo."Particle-size dependent chemistry from laser ablation of brass."Analytical Chemistry
77.20 (2005) 6687-6691. DOI
Zeng, Xianzhong, Xianglei Mao, Samuel S. Mao, Sy-Bor Wen, Ralph Greif, and Richard E. Russo."Laser-Induced Shockwave Propagation from Ablation in a Cavity."Applied Physics Letters
Zeng, Xianzhong, Xianglei Mao, Sy-Bor Wen, Ralph Greif, and Richard E. Russo."Energy deposition and shock wave propagation during pulsed laser ablation in fused silica cavities."Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
37 (2004) 1132-1136.
Zeng, Xianzhong, Xianglei Mao, Ralph Greif, and Richard E. Russo."Experimental investigation of ablation efficiency and laser-induced plasma expansion during femtosecond and nanosecond laser ablation of silicon."Applied Physics A: Materials science and processing
80 (2004) 237-241.
Zeng, Xianzhong, Xianglei Mao, Samuel S. Mao, Jong-Hyun Yoo, Ralph Greif, and Richard E. Russo."Laser-plasma interactions in fused silica cavities."Journal of Applied Physics
95 (2004) 816-822.
Liu, Chunyi, Xianglei Mao, Samuel S. Mao, Xianzhong Zeng, Ralph Greif, and Richard E. Russo."Nanosecond and femtosecond laser ablation of brass: Particulate and ICPMS measurements."Analytical Chemistry
76 (2004) 379-383.
Zeng, Xianzhong, Samuel S. Mao, Chunyi Liu, Xianglei Mao, Ralph Greif, and Richard E. Russo."Laser-induced plasmas in micromachined fused silica cavities."Appl.Phys.Lett.
83 (2003) 240-242.
Zeng, Xianzhong, Samuel S. Mao, Chunyi Liu, Xianglei Mao, Ralph Greif, and Richard E. Russo."Plasma diagnostics during laser ablation in a cavity."Spectrochim.Acta Pt.B-At.Spec.
58 (2003) 867-877.
Yoo, Jong-Hyun, Sungho Jeong, Xianglei Mao, Ralph Greif, and Richard E. Russo."Response to "Comment on 'Evidence for phase explosion and generation of large particles during high power nanosecond laser ablation of silicon'"."Applied Physics Letters
79.3 (2001) 444-445. DOI
Mao, Samuel S., Xianglei Mao, Ralph Greif, and Richard E. Russo."Influence of preformed shock wave on the development of picosecond laser ablation plasma."Journal of Applied Physics
89.7 (2001) 4096-4098. DOI
Mao, Samuel S., Xianglei Mao, Ralph Greif, and Richard E. Russo."Initiation of an early-stage plasma during picosecond laser ablation of solids."Applied Physics Letters
77.16 (2000) 2464-2466. DOI
Yoo, Jong-Hyun, Sungho Jeong, Ralph Greif, and Richard E. Russo."Explosive change in crater properties during high power nanosecond laser ablation of silicon."Journal of Applied Physics
88.3 (2000) 1638-1649. DOI
Mao, Samuel S., Ralph Greif, Xianglei Mao, and Richard E. Russo."Plasma Development During Picosecond Laser Processing of Electronic Materials."Journal of Heat Transfer-Transactions of the ASME
122.3 (2000) 424-424. DOI
Mao, Samuel S., Xianglei Mao, Ralph Greif, and Richard E. Russo."Simulation of a picosecond laser ablation plasma."Applied Physics Letters
76.23 (2000) 3370-3372. DOI
Mao, Samuel S., Xianglei Mao, Ralph Greif, and Richard E. Russo."Observation of plasma formation during picosecond laser ablation of metals."SPIE Proceedings: Laser Plasma Generation and Diagnostics
3935 (2000) 119. DOI
Yoo, Jong-Hyun, Sungho Jeong, Xianglei Mao, Ralph Greif, and Richard E. Russo."Evidence for phase-explosion and generation of large particles during high power nanosecond laser ablation of silicon."Applied Physics Letters
76.6 (2000) 783-785. DOI