X Author: Mark A. Shannon
Shannon, Mark A., Xianglei Mao, and Richard E. Russo."Monitoring laser-energy coupling to solid materials: Plasma-shielding and phase change."Materials Science and Engineering B-Solid State Materials for Advanced Technology
45 (1997) 172-179.
Shannon, Mark A., Boris Rubinsky, and Richard E. Russo."Mechanical stress power measurements during high-power laser ablation."Journal of Applied Physics
80.8 (1996) 4665-4672. DOI
Shannon, Mark A., and Richard E. Russo."Monitoring stress power during high-power pulsed laser-material interactions."Applied Surface Science
96-98 (1996) 149-153.
Mao, Xianglei, Wing-Tat Chan, Manuel Caetano, Mark A. Shannon, and Richard E. Russo."Preferential vaporization and plasma shielding during nano-second laser ablation."Applied Surface Science
96-98 (1996) 126-130. DOI
Russo, Richard E., Xianglei Mao, Manuel Caetano, and Mark A. Shannon."Fundamental characteristics of laser-material interactions ( ablation ) in noble gases at atmospheric pressure using inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy."Appl.Surf.Sci.
96-98 (1996) 144-148.
Shannon, Mark A., Xianglei Mao, Alberto J Fernández, Wing-Tat Chan, and Richard E. Russo."Laser Ablation Mass Removal versus Incident Power Density during Solid Sampling for Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy."Analytical Chemistry
67.24 (1995) 4522-4529. DOI
Fernández, Alberto J, Xianglei Mao, Wing-Tat Chan, Mark A. Shannon, and Richard E. Russo."Correlation of Spectral Emission Intensity in the Inductively-Coupled Plasma and Laser-Induced Plasma During Laser-Ablation of Solid Samples."Analytical Chemistry
67 (1995) 2444-2450.
Shannon, Mark A., and Richard E. Russo."Laser-Induced Stresses Versus Mechanical-Stress Power Measurements During Laser-Ablation of Solids."Applied Physics Letters
67 (1995) 3227-3229.
Mao, Xianglei, Mark A. Shannon, Alberto J Fernández, and Richard E. Russo."Temperature and emission spatial profile of laser-induced plasmas during ablation using time-integrated emission spectroscopy."Appl.Spectrosc.
49 (1995) 1054-1061.
Qiu, Taiqing, Chang-Lin Tien, Mark A. Shannon, and Richard E. Russo."Thermal and mechanical response of gold films during nanosecond laser pulse heating."Experimental Heat Transfer: A Journal of Thermal Energy Generation, Transport, Storage, and Conversion
7.3 (1994) 175-188. DOI
Shannon, Mark A., Boris Rubinsky, and Richard E. Russo."Detecting laser induced phase change at the surface of solids via latent heat of melting with a photothermal deflection technique."Journal of Applied Physics
75.3 (1994) 1473-1485. DOI
Mao, Xianglei, Wing-Tat Chan, Mark A. Shannon, and Richard E. Russo."Plasma Shielding During Picosecond Laser Sampling of Solid Materials by Ablation in He Versus Ar Atmosphere."Journal of Applied Physics
74.8 (1993) 4915-4922. DOI
Shannon, Mark A., Ali A. Rostami, and Richard E. Russo."Photothermal deflection measurements for monitoring heat-transfer during modulated laser-heating of solids."J.Appl.Phys.
71 (1992) 53.