X Author: Lutgard C. DeJonghe
Tucker, Michael C., Lutgard C. DeJonghe, Valerie García-Negrón, Rosa Trejo, and Edgar Lara-Curzio."Mechanical and electrochemical performance of composite cathode contact materials for solid oxide fuel cells."Journal of Power Sources
239 (2013) 315 - 320. DOI
Tucker, Michael C., Lei Cheng, and Lutgard C. DeJonghe."Inorganic binder-containing composite cathode contact materials for solid oxide fuel cells."Journal of Power Sources
224 (2013) 174 - 179. DOI
Tucker, Michael C., Lei Cheng, and Lutgard C. DeJonghe."Glass-containing composite cathode contact materials for solid oxide fuel cells."Journal of Power Sources
196.20 (2011) 8435 - 8443. DOI
Tucker, Michael C., Lei Cheng, and Lutgard C. DeJonghe."Selection of cathode contact materials for solid oxide fuel cells."Journal of Power Sources
196.20 (2011) 8313 - 8322. DOI
Lau, Grace Y., Michael C. Tucker, Craig P. Jacobson, Steven J. Visco, Stacy H. Gleixner, and Lutgard C. DeJonghe."Chromium transport by solid state diffusion on solid oxide fuel cell cathode."Journal of Power Sources
195.22 (2010) 7540 - 7547. DOI