X Author: Jonathan D. Spear
Church, Matthew N., Jonathan D. Spear, Richard E. Russo, Gregory L. Klunder, Patrick M. Grant, and Brian D. Andresen."Transient Isotachophoretic−Electrophoretic Separations of Lanthanides with Indirect Laser-Induced Fluorescence Detection."Analytical Chemistry
70.13 (1998) 2475-2480. DOI
Klunder, Gregory L., John E. Andrews, Patrick M. Grant, Brian D. Andresen, Matthew N. Church, Jonathan D. Spear, and Richard E. Russo."Nuclear fission product analysis using capillary electrophoresis."Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
236.1-2 (1998) 149-153. DOI
Spear, Jonathan D., Gregory L. Klunder, and Richard E. Russo."Photothermal deflection spectroscopy of an aqueous sample in a narrow bore quartz capillary."Review of Scientific Instrumentation
69 (1998) 2267.
Deng, Zhongyi, Jonathan D. Spear, James D. Rudnicki, Frank R. McLarnon, and Elton J. Cairns."Infrared photothermal deflection spectroscopy: A new probe for the investigation of electrochemical interfaces."Journal of the Electrochemical Society
143.5 (1996) 1514-1521. DOI
Spear, Jonathan D., and Richard E. Russo."Low noise position sensor for optical probe beam deflection measurements."Review of Scientific Instrumentation
67 (1996) 2481-2484.
Spear, Jonathan D., Robert J. Silva, Gregory L. Klunder, and Richard E. Russo."Collinear photothermal deflection spectroscopy of liquid samples at varying temperature."Applied Spectroscopy
47.10 (1993) 1580-1584.
Spear, Jonathan D., Richard E. Russo, John E. Andrews, and Patrick M. Grant."Lens correction for the implementation of cylindrical vessels in a spectrophotometer."Review of Scientific Instrumentation
63.10 (1992) 4457. DOI
Rojas, Dorys, Robert J. Silva, Jonathan D. Spear, and Richard E. Russo."Dual beam optical fiber thermal lens spectrometry."Analytical Chemistry
63.18 (1991) 1927-1932. DOI
Spear, Jonathan D., and Richard E. Russo."Transverse photothermal beam deflection within a solid."Applied Physics
70 (1991) 580.
Spear, Jonathan D., Richard E. Russo, and Robert J. Silva."Collinear photothermal deflection spectroscopy with light scattering samples."Applied Optics
29 (1990) 4225.
Spear, Jonathan D., Richard E. Russo, and Robert J. Silva."Differential photothermal deflection spectroscopy using a single position sensor."Appl.Spectrosc.
42 (1988) 1103.
Russo, Richard E., Frank R. McLarnon, Jonathan D. Spear, and Elton J. Cairns."Probe beam deflection for In situ measurements of concentration and spectroscopic behavior during copper oxidization and reduction."J.Electrochem.Soc.
134 (1987) 2783.