X Author: John C. Little
Cox, Steven S., John C. Little, and Alfred T. Hodgson."Predicting the emission rate of volatile organic compounds from vinyl flooring."Environmental Science & Technology
36.4 (2002) 709-714. DOI
Zhao, Dongye Y, John C. Little, and Alfred T. Hodgson."Modeling the Reversible Sink Effect in Response to Transient Contaminant Sources."Indoor Air
12 (2002) 184-190.
Cox, Steven S., Alfred T. Hodgson, and John C. Little."Measuring Concentrations of Volatile Organic Compounds in Vinyl Flooring."Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association
51 (2001) 174-185.
Zhao, Dongye Y, Julien Rouques, John C. Little, and Alfred T. Hodgson."Effect of Reversible, Diffusion-Controlled Sinks on VOC Concentrations in Buildings."Proceedings of the Indoor Air 99, Edinburgh, Scotland
5 (1999) 264-269.
Zhao, Dongye Y, Julien Rouques, John C. Little, and Alfred T. Hodgson."Effect of Reversible, Diffusion-Controlled Sinks on VOC Concentrations in Buildings."Proceedings of the Indoor Air 99, Edinburgh, Scotland
5 (1999) 264-269.
Little, John C., Alfred T. Hodgson, and Bruce A. Tichenor."A Strategy for Characterizing Homogeneous, Diffusion-Controlled, Indoor Sources and Sinks."ASTM STP 1287, Characterizing Sources of Infoor Air Pollution and Related Sink Effects
(1996) 294-304.
Little, John C., Alfred T. Hodgson, and Ashok J. Gadgil."Modeling Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds from New Carpets."Atmospheric Environment
28.2 (1994) 227 - 234. DOI