X Author: Harvey J. Bryan
Bryan, Harvey J., Alexander Lohr, R. Christophe Mathis, and James Rosen."The Use of Physical Scale Models for Daylighting Analysis."6th National Passive Solar Conference
(1981) 865-869.
Bryan, Harvey J., Robert D. Clear, James Rosen, and Stephen E. Selkowitz."Quicklite 1, A Daylighting Program for the TI-59 Calculator."
(1981) 27.
Bryan, Harvey J., and Robert D. Clear."A Procedure for Calculating Interior Daylight Ilumination."5th National Passive Solar Conference
Bryan, Harvey J., and Robert D. Clear."Calculating Interior Daylight Illumination with a Programmable Hand Calculator."Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society
07/1981 (1980) 219-227.
Bryan, Harvey J.."A Simplified Procedure for Calculating the Effects of Daylight from Clear Skies."Illuminating Engineering Society Annual Technical Conference