X Author: Dorthe Kragsig Mortensen
Mortensen, Dorthe Kragsig, Iain S. Walker, and Max H. Sherman."Optimization of Occupancy Based Demand Controlled Ventilation in Residences."International Journal of Ventilation
10.1 (2011) 49-60.
Sherman, Max H., Dorthe Kragsig Mortensen, and Iain S. Walker."Derivation of Equivalent Continuous Dilution for Cyclic, Unsteady Driving Forces."International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
54.11-12 (2011) 2696-2702.
Mortensen, Dorthe Kragsig, Iain S. Walker, and Max H. Sherman."Energy and air quality implications of passive stack ventilation in residential buildings."ACEEE 16th Biennial Summer Study
Mortensen, Dorthe Kragsig, Max H. Sherman, and Iain S. Walker."IAQ Based Design of an Efficient DCV System."10th REHVA World Congress