X Author: Anselm Brakhage
Kranzl, Lukas, Anselm Brakhage, Pedro Gürtler, Jacky Pett, Mario Ragwitz, and Michael Stadler."Integrating RES & RUE policies: Comparing results from Germany, Luxemburg and Northern Ireland."ECEEE 2007 Summer Study, June 4-9, 2007
Kranzl, Lukas, Michael Stadler, Claus Huber, Reinhard Haas, Mario Ragwitz, Anselm Brakhage, Adam Gula, and Arkadiusz Figorski."Deriving efficient policy portfolios promoting sustainable energy systems - case studies applying Invert simulation tool."Renewable Energy
31.15 (2006) 2393-2410. DOI
Kranzl, Lukas, Michael Stadler, Gustav Resch, Claus Huber, Reinhard Haas, Mario Ragwitz, Anselm Brakhage, Jacky Pett, Pedro Gürtler, Adam Gula, Beata Sliz, Elzbieta Gula, Arkadiusz Figorski, Georgios C. Bakos, Elena Tsioliaridou, Kaj Joergensen, and Manuel Fernandes."Tools for the efficient design of RES & RUE promotion schemes: Recommendations derived from the project Invert, Working Paper of Phase 7 of the project INVERT."