The Potential for Electricity Conservation in New York State
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This report presents an analysis of the potential for electricity savings and peak demand reductions in the current equipment and building stock in New York State. The objective is to identify and characterize the electricity conservation resource that currently exists in New York as well as in the service areas of the seven major private utilities (Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corp., Consolidated Edison Co., Long Island Lighting Co., New York State Electric & Gas Corp., Niagara Mohawk Power Corp., Orange and Rockland Utilities, and Rochester Gas & Electric Corp.). Consequently, conservation and load management measures are analyzed without considering utility program costs, implementation rates, limits to full adoption, or application in equipment or buildings installed after 1986.
The report should be of use to utilities, energy policymakers, and energy analysts within New York and elsewhere. The results concerning the most cost-effective technologies for saving electricity and peak demand could help to guide utility and/or state-sponsored demand-side management programs. Also, the results could be of use to those who are developing or reviewing utility resource acquisition plans.